Mabprachan Lake – Pattaya Unlimited
Note: through to November 2014 major excavations have taken place on this area of the lake, until landscaping is finished it may appear to be somewhat of an eyesore. Use the map to find points of interest around Mabprachan Lake. The condition of the track may deteriorate quite badly during the rainy season, so don’t expect it to be suitable for riding all year round. The ever expanding and thirsty city of Pattaya has a demand for fresh water which Mabprachan can no longer satisfy, besides major excavation works a new pipeline has been laid to the lake’s shore in an effort to maintain water levels. There’s some some charming little spots around the lake, some are ideal for an afternoon picnic. Click on the list icon in the top left corner of the map to reveal markers and symbols denoting popular fishing areas, picnic areas, entrances, and parks. Extensive excavation works have been carried out on the northern end of the lake to increase the lake’s water holding capacity. Just inside the gates of the northern entrance to Mabprachan Lake sits a motocross track, usually open on Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
Most popular method is the same bread feeder rig used at so many of Pattaya’s fishing parks. The lake is graced by the beautiful longboats of international teams from as far away as Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos. A series of tracks and trails on the northern shore, hidden by trees, and often by the high waterline, lead to the waters edge, where you’ll often see someone fishing. The hugely popular crowd pleaser, the annual Buffalo Races take place every October on the lake shore. You can access these by following the trails through the trees, which start at the northern end off the dam wall. Mabprachan Lake is the most popular fishing venue in Pattaya – click here – , it’s certainly not a prolific fishery, but it’s free. At the northern side of the lake, especially when water levels are low, a series of little bays are formed. At the north eastern corner of the lake lies Banglamung Exercise Park, including a football field and gardens.
’s largest annual events.
Come the night of the Loy Krathong festival, people flock to Mabprachan Lake in their thousands to float their krathogs. The annual Indo China Longboat Racing is held at Mabprachan Lake every November. Mabprachan Lake, situated in East Pattaya, is the largest reservoir in the Pattaya area, and still supplies fresh water to many areas of Pattaya ( The calm waters of the lake offer a much smoother passage for the cherished Krathongs than do the rolling waves of the sea. It is also the focal point of East Pattaya – – , a venue for leisure pastimes and the stage for some of Pattaya’s largest annual events. The lake is said to hold an estimated 13,300,000 cubic meters of water, though after excavation work finished in 2014 the capacity could be significantly more. Mabprachan Lake and it’s surrounding forests, parks and shores cover an area of 3,500 rai, with a shoreline that stretches some 10 kilometers long.
When his finger moved, the arrow moved with it, unlocking the phone. In some ways, the iPhone is more like a palmtop computer than a cellular phone. As with many smartphones, you can use it to make and receive calls, watch movies, listen to music, browse the Web, and send and receive e-mail and text messages. Slid it from left to right. Suddenly, the featureless rectangle became an interactive surface. Jobs placed a fingertip on an on-screen arrow. To some people, this interaction between a human finger and an on-screen image — and its effect on the iPhone’s behavior — was more amazing than all of its other features combined. Then, Jobs touched the screen. In its first appearance onscreen and in Jobs’s hand, the phone looked like a sleek but inanimate black rectangle. In January 2007, Steve Jobs introduced the Apple iPhone during his keynote address at the Macworld Conference and Expo.
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